Present:  G. Willcox (Chair), T. Holley, J. Gane, M. Heal, A. Creed and two representatives from the Glastonbury Festival.

Apologies:  D. Creed.

There were Nil Declarations of Interest.

Minutes of the last meeting were approved and signed.

Public Speaking-Time.

Two Glastonbury Festival representatives  reported the following:-

Tracey Mapstone is Village Liason Officer.

All matters apertaining to the festival will go through the 'Hotline' (further details later by letter).

Security:  There will be an Off-site Security Manager and a Checkpoint Auditing Team.

Staffing Night and Day will be three on and three off.

Staff will pertain to a 'Brief' and have knowledge of the area. 

There will be a Campsite Liason Manager (Tom Ferris).

Village Passes will be available at West Pennard School on Wednesday 19th June from 6pm to 7.30pm.

On Wednesday there will be a Fireworks and Drone Show.

At present the festival site is closed - those accessing it have security enhanced wristbands.

Parish Councillors expressed concerns re the large numbers of caravans/campers which increase traffic and in particular water usage creating a shortage.  This also impacts on farm water troughs and ultimately livestock.

It was suggested anyone affected contact the festival hotline and Somerset Council.

Correspondence file circulated.

Letter from R. Fields raising concerns re speeding through the village (A361 and Newtown Lane), a faulty 20MPH School sign adjacent to the village hall, the observation West Pennard does not have a traffic calming scheme and a request for the parish council to support the formation of a Neighbourhood Safety Speed Watch.

Clerk to reply to the effect that the 20MPH School sign has been reported but will be reported again and that it welcomes and encourages a  Neighbourhood Safety Speed Watch Scheme.

Finance:   Confirmation from Somerset Council -  Payment of Precept for 2024/5, £7,000.00.


  1. Conversion of Barn to Holiday Let/Woodlands Farm/Woodlands/Planning Ref 2024/0650/FUL- Proposed, seconded and Passed Recommend Approval.
  2. Outline Application with all matters reserved for the Erection of 2 Dwellinghouses/Manor Farm/Woodlands Road to Stockbridge Lane/Planning Ref 2024/0679/OUT - Proposed, seconded and Passed Recommend Refusal on the grounds that the current access is inadequate for potential useage.  
  3. NOTED and POSTED - Application for a Variation of a Premises Licence Pennard Hill Farm Ltd/Pennard Hill Farm/Stickleball Lane/East Pennard - Final date for representations 23.59Hrs 20th May 2024.

Matters to be brought to the attention of the Enforcement Officer, One Somerset - Use of caravans and refuse services and erection of buildings without planning permission as per previous minutes to be reported at next meeting.

Highways Matters.

Notice of ROAD CLOSURE ttro882581E - Lottisham Lane, West Bradley, 22nd May 2024 for 2 days 09.30HRS - 15.30 HRS.

There being no further business the meeting was closed.

Collapsed drain in Southtown Lane in two places outside Bantam House and Inistor - to be reported to Highways.

There being no further business the meeting was closed.