Present: G. Willcox (Chair), D. Creed, T. Holley, J. Gane and M. Heal.
Apologies: A. Creed.
There were Nil Declarations of Interest.
Minutes of the last meeting were approved and signed.
Matters arising:-
Repair of War memorial Base: T. Holley will obtain quotes.
Reported Landslip including tree above Southtown Cottage in Hollow Lane - resolved.
Correspondence - circulated - No further action required.
N.B. - Notification of Local Community Network A.G.M - WEDS 10th JULY 2024, 7.00pm to 8.30pm, West Pennard Village Hall.
Donation from Glastonbury Festival Events Ltd - Proposed, seconded and passed that the Parish Council accept.
To be further discussed.
Bank Statement to date £11,455.10.
Cheques issued:-
- Proposed, seconded and passed the Parish Council donate £2,500.00 to West Pennard Parochial Church Council for Upkeep of the Churchyard.
- Proposed, seconded and passed the Parish Council donate £1,500.00 to West Pennard Village Hall Management Committee for Hire of the Hall and Upkeep.
- Proposed, seconded and passed, Clerk's Wage £3,000.00 (as last year).
Change of Use of agricultural land to residential (C3 use class) to extend residential curtilage to create access track and a three car garage with garden store/Coxbridge House/Coxbridge Drove/Planning Ref 2024/1092/FUL - Proposed, seconded and Passed Recommend Approval.
Planning decision, Somerset Council - Outline Application with all matters reserved for the Erection of two dwellinghouses/Manor Farm/Woodlands Road to Stockbridge Lane/Planning Ref 2024/0679/OUT - Refused.
Highways Matters:-
Report of loose slates on roof of building along the A361 at Manor Farm causing concern. Clerk to write to owner.
Report of blocked drain below Hillside, Southtown Lane (left hand side of road going up), Overgrowth of footpath along Laverley which requires clearing and dangerous state of road surface at Moggs Hole to be reported to Highways.
There being no further business the meeting was closed.