Present:  G. Willcox (Chair), D. Creed, M. Heal, J. Gane, T. Holley and 6 parishoners.

Apologies:  A. Creed.

There were Nil Declarations of Interest.

Minutes of the last meeting were approved and signed.

Public Speaking-time.

P. Gurl brought samples of stone appertaining to the War Memorial and recommended a treatment plan with the suggestion he should treat one stone first and review.

Quote also obtained from Bale Stonemasonry for repairs - £420.00.

It was proposed, seconded and passed Mr Gurl proceed as planned with a sample should he feel he could go below the above quote.

Representation from Sticklynch residents re retrospective planning for a polytunnel/Sticklynch Farm/Sticklynch/Planning Ref 2024/1265/FUL. 

They then left the meeting.


Grit Bins - costings for bins will be sent to councillors.

Last date for ordering salt refils Sept 1st (Somerset Council Highways).

As on Website and Noticeboard - Temporary Road Closures as follows:-

Page Lane 28th August from 09.30 - 15.30.

Church Lane 31st August from 08.00 - 16.00.

Litter and Dog Bin charges for emptying will commence 1st April 2025.

N.B. Exact location of Dog waste bin has been confirmed (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) what3words.


Statement of Account 16.07.24 £5,995.10.

Cheques drawn:-

  1. Murfdog £460.00 Annual Web hosting, support and domain registration, firewall security and two updates.
  2. Somerset Association of Local Councils affiliation fee £217.79.
  3. J. House purchase of Minute Book from Shaws £222.00.


  1. Erection of polytunnel (retrospective)/ Sticklynch Farm/Sticklynch/Planning Ref 2024/1265/FUL.

Proposed, seconded and passed Recommend Refusal on the grounds that size, position and appearance in relationship to the area is unacceptable as are concerns re drainage and rattling noise levels during inclement weather.

     2.  Application for Approval of reserved matters following Outline approval 2021/2070/OTS for 1 dwellinghouse.  Matters of appearance/landscaping/layout/scale to be determined/Land at 354940 138061 Newtown Lane/Planning Ref 2024/1338/REM.

Proposed, seconded and passed Recommend Approval.

There being no further business the meeting was closed.