Present:  G. Willcox (Chair), T. Holley, J. Gane and M. Heal.

Apologies:  A. Creed and D. Creed.

Minutes of the last meeting were approved and signed.

Declarations of Interest:  T. Holley relating to Planning No. 2/ Planning Ref 2024/2274/LBC.

Matters arising from the last minutes.

Cllr Holley presented an Application Form for interested parties to apply for money ref the GFL monies donation -  which was approved.  This will be submitted on the website and on the noticeboard.


Somerset Local Plan explorative workshops.


10th Feb 4pm Chard GuildHall (South).

11th Feb 4pm Frome Town Hall (East).

24th Feb 4pm Venue to be confirmed (West).

25th Feb 4pm The Canalside, Bridgwater (North).

Training dates and Salc January Newsletter circulated.

Letter Somerset Council - Call for Sites launch, the aim being to identify potential land for housing, commercial and mixed-use developments.

Letter from Kingston St Mary Parish Council proposing that Somerset's Electoral Divisions are subdivided into regions of electoral equality.

Planning decisions, Somerset Council.

Replacement entrance gates and fence to existing drive/Sunrays/Newtown Lane /Planning Ref 2024/11947/HSE - Approved.

Road Closures.

Church Lane, 20th January, 8am-4pm (School have been informed). (Openreach).

Woodlands Road, 27th January, 8am-5pm. (Jetting works).

Precept 2025-6.

Proposed, seconded and passed West Pennard Parish Council Precept for £9,000.00.


  1. Change of Use of agricultural land to residential (C3) to extend residential garden curtilage to create access track and a three car garage with garden store.  Additional information submitted 13.12.24/Coxbridge House/Coxbridge/Planning Ref 2024/1092/FUL.  Proposed, seconded and passed Recommend Approval with the provisio a bridge is put in. (not a pipe).
  2. Re-Roofing existing contemporary glass link building along with alterations/The Old Farmhouse/East St/Planning Ref 2024/2274/LBC. T. Holley left the meeting at 20.40hrs and re-entered at 20.50 hrs.  Proposed, seconded and passed Recommend Approval.

Highways Matters to be reported.

1.. Drain grill missing near Piltown Farm, A361.

2.  Dangerous state of Scottles Lane.

3.  Concerns raised re v loose tiles partially covered by tarpaulin at Piltown Farm, West Pennard due to the close proximity to the A361.

There being no further business the meeting was closed.